Mass Video Blaster Pro 2.72 Full Modules

Mass Video Blaster Pro 2.72 Full Modules


About Mass Video Blaster Pro 2.72 Full Modules 

Transfer your recordings like a genuine PRO  The main YouTube Marketing Software: 12,698 customers depend on Mass Video Blaster to transfer their recordings. Mass Video Blaster let you transfer recordings from YouTube, regardless of whether it's about the most sizzling computer game to hit the market, some sweet a** music video, the freshest eating routine or weight reduction item available, most recent film trailers , or any video that you can consider, dosen't make any difference.


FEATURES   /   High Speed Submission,Smart Submission Process,Artificial Intelligence

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Features Mass Video Blaster Pro 2.72 Full Modules 

Multi Threaded Uploader you will have the option to transfer up to 5 recordings in a similar time 

Various Account Support you can add the same number of youtube accounts as you need. Each record will be checked and you will be informed if any record has issues or got taken out 

Intermediary Support you can appoint to each record an alternate intermediary. 

Auto ReUploader on the off chance that one video gets taken out , Mass Video Blaster will auto ReUpload it making a bad dream to the flaggers 

Video Dashboard deal with every one of your recordings from a solitary dashboard , perceive the number of perspectives every video has and how well it is positioned . 

Debilitate/Enable Comments/Ratings 

Unlist/List Videos this way you will consistently have a new video when you need it 

Stunt YouTube copy channel you will have the option to transfer multiple times a similar video and we promise you won't perceive any copy video screens 

Transfer type MVB master underpins both YouTube API and completely bolsters WebBrowser reproduction 

Custom API Key Enter your custom API Key and APP Name so you realize you don't leave follows on YouTube 

Picture/Text watermark You can either make your watermark in your number one picture editorial manager or MVB ace can make it for you 

Watermark choices You can indicate the last size of the watermark (in rate with the video size) and furthermore the position (top left,top center, upper right, base left and so forth… ) 

Intermediary scrapper [new] Scrape a great many intermediaries in seconds from different public intermediary records 

Perspectives Statistics [new] Trace your perspectives and perceive how your missions progress 

Timetable [new] You would now be able to plan recordings or missions. You can reveal to MVB Pro to pick arbitrary dates when to transfer/list/impair remarks/add comments/add inscriptions.

Video Mass Video Blaster Pro 2.72 Full Modules 

 And now I leave you with Mass Video Blaster Pro 2.72 Full Modules  Features  for a reference to get the games apps link ,You must complete an offer from the offers located in the link It takes no time just 3 minute or 2 minute,For profit purposes to cover site costs
